
Wednesday, 25 January 2023


A Day of Healing Arts to welcome in the Spring. 
A fresh new season of hope, love, unity and peace.

We invite you to join us for the Equinox Unplugged immersion on 

Saturday 18th march 2023. 


The structure of this session has been much influenced by the renown Gabrielle Roth, originator of the 5 Rhythms programme. 

Participating in a 5 Joies Dance session, you can discover your ‘dancing path’. Without the need to follow specific steps, the dancer can abandon themselves to the rhythm and move freely as the music 

takes them, leading to a feeling of joyfulness.

According to a study conducted by University of Hertfordshire Psychology Professor Peter Lovatt, the happiness experienced while dancing is measurable even after dancing, increased levels in happiness present as long as a week after the last dance. 


‘We are the authors of our own stories’

Following THE 5 JOIES session, participants will be given prompts to write unconsciously, and freely. The opportunity to discover our unconscious narrative allows us to enquire what belief systems we have in place, and much more. 


Tai chi is often described as "meditation in motion," but it might well be called "medication in motion." There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, which originated as a martial art, has value in treating or preventing many health problems. 

The Harvard Health Publication website states ‘A growing body of carefully conducted research is building a compelling case for tai chi as an adjunct to standard medical treatment for the prevention and rehabilitation of many conditions commonly associated with age’. 

Tai chi can be easily adapted for anyone, from the most fit to people confined to 

wheelchairs or recovering from surgery

QI GONG : Easy to learn & enjoyable to do. No experience necessary. Qi Gong has been a healing practise for centuries. 

Qi Gong harmonises the functioning of all the internal organs and bodily systems, (nervous, digestive, respiratory, skeleton-muscular, hormonal, gynaecological, etc).

Qi Gong increases the supply and flow of energy [Qi] throughout the body. 

It can have rejuvenating effects, is believed to increase longevity and induces calm mental and emotional states


The Ecstatic Dance session, with headphones, is a free form movement journey held in a safe and sacred container. It's a place where we can be our unique selves, and also connect to a common source. Ecstatic dance combines the freedom of a festival experience with the awareness of a conscious dance practice. 

At the opening circle guests will be offered cacao, optional, to awaken the heart and the aliveness that rises from within, and allows us to listen and reconnect to our inner voice.

'Ecstatic Dance changed my life'




This session is not suitable for pregnant women. 

Gong Bath is a multi-dimensional form of sound healing meditation. Predating the Bronze Age, gongs have been used for meditation, healing, and communication purposes for nearly 6,000 years. 

Let the frequencies and vibrations of the Gongs and the Tibetan Bowls transfer and penetrate into every cell of the body. 

" Journeyers who participate in these sacred sound healing meditations often receive (and manifest) experiences that oscillate between the intensely introspective and the extremely cosmic, often fusing into some combination of the two while helping you shed that which does not serve you.  And that’s just the beginning…" Vinyasa Productions

Let the sound journey begin. 

Nothing to do but relax and breathe. 

A vegetarian supper will be served. Please notify us when booking if you have any food intolerances. 

Herbal Teas, Coffee and water will be available throughout the day. 

Location: SKYYOGA @ FONTES 34320. 

Limited Spaces. 10/18

Facilitators: Susan Hayes and Sky Yoga 


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