So this morning I was off to do my own practice. I try to go to a class at least 3 times a week and this morning it was Ashtanga London which is one of the few places that do Mysore - on a Sunday - in London.
OMG how I love it, feeling part of an asana practice with that conscious inhale and exhale, that sweating and everyone doing different asanas at different times in their own personal bubble.
Thank you Los Angeles, in particular Yogaworks - Jodi and Maria - for my first Ashtanga Mysore classes and finding Source of Yoga with their team of committed teachers who were beyond fabulous.
However, it feels like the whole Ashtanga Mysore thing hasn't caught on over here yet, so few classes and so few takers. When I say I do yoga at 6.30am in the morning I'm met with a wide eyed stare of WTF!
I was talking to a young guy yesterday, to be honest, every guy I talk to thinks that yoga is for woosies! and not a guy thing to do.
At least 30 people passed through class this morning and probably 50% of them were guys. Not a woose in sight as they went from arm balances with legs in the air to binds to handstands, headstands to planks to postures that take serious body strength and flexibility.
Hey Guys you have to pick up your own body weight.
I can't imagine life now without my early morning asana practice and that is really extraordinary because until a year ago I had no interest in yoga postures at all. I've been following a yogic life, in essence, for as long as I can remember but the physical side of it has come last.
Not what the texts books tell us how it should be...... 'Start with asana'. But it has worked for me and its allowed me to approach Ashtanga from a yogic perspective and not a physical one.
But then I was a professional dancer and to me its the same discipline of a ballet class. It's ingrained in me I suppose and I like to work to my edge. And I suppose that's why some say it's like Marmite.
No doubt I will wake up tomorrow with some pain, but
'...there will be pain with asana and without asana'
This morning I experienced a 'first' in a particular asana. During each practice there is usually a 'first' in something....which in the scheme of life is pretty great :)
I'm off for a hot bath of Magnesium Flakes and a good anti inflammatory shot - Turmeric/Ginger/Lemon.
.....prepping for tomorrow :)
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